Friday, April 27, 2012

taska @ pengasuh


Salam semua...

Sejak install blogger android ni..cpt je nk tls2...kemudahan....

Isu arini adalah sape nk jaga damia hannah....

Nmpk.mcm hal remeh,tp sbnrnye sgtla bst..????...sbb damia x prnh jauh ngan mumy..start lahir smp skrg,mumy yg jg damia..fully..dady jugak..hehe...sbb 2 ble pk ttg pengasuh,jd risau...

Taska????...xmgkn kot sbb dady xbg anta taska..????..bnyk sgt kes kt ntahla..mak pun suh cr org jg damia..lau jg persendirian,caye sket..lau anta taska,bb bnyk,ank kite ntah diorg tgk ntah x..(ini pandangan mumy la)...

Kalaula mak duk dkt,kompem mak xleh jg sbb mumy x bz sbnrnye..nk amk ank.skola lg,xkan nk bw mia,walaupun skola dpn mate...jd,baik c org...

Calon mcm ade...maklong dady,dia mmg ngasuh bdk,tp xtawla dia nk  ke x...risau plak ble pk....

Moga Allah mudahkan urusan kami..amiin..

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4


  1. meh aunty dedek jaga kn kat penang..penuh kasih syg..hehe

  2. it depends.With no extra money for hiring maid and no one are available, it left me no choice,except to day care center. My Principe,as long as my doter is healthy without any bruises or bleeding in her body, then I am ok, as simple as that.
    In your case, I am pretty sure, you want the best for her, as many parents wish for their child. By sending our children to nursery doesn't mean we don't love our children. Just my two cents
